Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 631 : SCS Version 9.0, Dispatch #3

Coming at you a little late, but be prepared for back to back doses of Fromagical posts today...

Diving right into this week's cheese selection from Mexico and Texas, I went with firm cheeses from each locale...

Hailing from Texas and the Veldhuizen Family Farm in Dublin is Paragon. This cheese was concocted by Stuart Veldhuizen while he was experimenting with cheese recipes and boy was it a welcome surprise. Crafted with cow's milk and aged for approximately three months, it is a semi firm cheese that does an excellent job at coating each and every crevice of your mouth. Tangy and slightly nutty with a buttery milky caramelly roundness, it sure is a crowd pleaser, easily approachable yet unique and delish.

And what of our Mexican counterpart?

How about Queso Anejo? It is crafted most of the time with skimmed cow's milk but is meant to be made with skimmed goat's milk, which as we know is hard to come by in Mexico. It has that classic Parmesan consistency with excellent aged crystallization, hints of butterscotch and caramelly nuttiness with a nice amount of salty savory tang on the tongue. Over the course of it's aging process it is coated in paprika which dials up the aromatic spiciness of the cheese. It is utilized widely in Mexican cooking and is perfect for baking and grilling purposes.

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