Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 452: A quick fresh breakfast dish for one

This gorgeous Saturday morning I decided to enjoy the New York Times and a cup of coffee and a nice homemade breakfast dish before heading out on a long run. Peering into my fridge, I decided to make an ode to green spring egg white frittata. What did I decide to put into the frittata?

Egg Whites
Shaved Asparagus
Tete de Moine
Herb infused Chevre
Sel de la guerande
Black pepper
Fresh Thyme and Rosemary
Crushed red pepper

To get started, preheat your oven to 425 degrees.

Grab a skillet and spray it with PAM or coat with EVOO. In a bowl, whisk together the egg whites, a sprinkling of sel de la guerande, black pepper, some thyme and rosemary. Next up chop up a third of a cup of broccoli really finely and dice a handful of fabulously fresh springtime asparagus and a few ramps. Place this in a bowl. Transfer your egg white mixture to the warm skillet on the stove and then top with your chopped up veggies. Now add one shaved asparagus and a nice generous helping of long thin shavings of Tete de Moine. Cook over low heat on the stove for about 7 minutes or until the eggs are just about to set. Now crumble some herb chevre over the top and sprinkle some crushed red pepper and a little more rosemary. Place in the oven for about eight to ten minutes or until it is golden brown. Take out of the oven and enjoy with a nice cup of coffee and the Saturday New York Times.

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